Episode 39 - Feng Shui for Business with Patricia Lohan

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Ease. Isn’t that a lovely word? Personally, I think it’s something that most of us would like more of in our lives- whether it’s professional, personal or both.

I was dealing with some very specific challenges with someone around communication recently and that’s one of the words I used to describe what was lacking when we were speaking to each other: ease. Everything felt forced, difficult, incongruent and like there was a lack of authenticity and transparency inside of how we were relating. What I was searching for, and quite frankly value in more ways than just communication, was ease. 

From my perspective, when we have ease in our lives, our jobs, our relationships there is an ability to trust what’s happening and to allow a free exchange of energy, ideas, information - whatever the specifics might be. However, I think we often get stuck in patterns or ways of being that while they may once have served us or protected us, don’t do that anymore. 

The same thing goes for our physical environment. We get stuck in how things are currently and we accept the things around us instead of really looking at our environment and asking what is or isn’t serving us

As much as I have no desire to be part of the minimalism movement, I do think one of the most interesting questions that has emerged recently (thanks to Marie Kondo for this one) is asking the question: does this spark joy?

Now imagine asking that question about your space. Whether it’s your desk, your art, the rug on your floor or otherwise - using that critical eye to think about whether it’s serving you is a real opportunity to shift the energy and ease around you. 

My guest on the podcast this week is Patricia Lohan who is a Feng Shui Expert and Coach and who shares absolutely fascinating insight into the real, tangible applications of Feng Shui and how it has been misunderstood and underutilized. She gives us all very simple, specific practices we can implement right away to begin to shift our physical surroundings to support where we are going and what we are working on. In essence, she wants to help all leaders find ease by starting with their physical environment - knowing it has a profound effect on our internal environment.  

Growing up, our house was always under construction. My mother always had projects she was working on, big and small, to create ease inside the home. Understanding a bit more about Feng Shui now, I think she was using some of the practices associated with it to create the energy and space she wanted to have surrounding us from day-to-day. She was making sure there was ease that matched where we were headed, not where we had been. And honestly, other than the yearly re-painting of the entire house (!!!!) I would say there were definitely benefits to that approach. 

I encourage you all to listen in and give Patricia's "Fresh Eyes" challenge a try. Simple, little shifts really can make a huge difference! 


To learn more about Patricia Lohan you can find her online at patricialohan.com. Or, join her in her free Facebook group at facebook.com/groups/powerhousefengshui/.


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